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Tiendas lista de baby shower Bingo Sopeña Participation The Sopeña Center is dedicated for over 25 years to the technical training, literacy, free arts instruction and evangelization of adults, teenagers and children with limited resources. On April 13 this year, it was held in the main hall of Club Deportivo Naco its 5th Bingo Sopeña, which featured our collaboration and sponsorship. We provided […]
Tiendas lista de baby shower CONPEHT arrives Dominican Republic The Confederacion Panamericana de Escuelas de Hoteleria, Gastronomia y Turismo (CONPEHT) is a civil association founded in Mexico City in 1991 on the initiative of Mr. Miguel Marqués Torruco President of the Escuela Panamericana de Hoteleria and Rector of the Universidad de Turismo y Ciencias Administrativas. In 2013, Dominican Republic hosted CONPEHT, from Sunday 20 […]
Tiendas lista de baby shower SEK Cup 2016 From the 22nd to the 29th of April this year, the fifteenth edition of the COPA SEK 2016 had our support as sponsors of the event. This is an intercollegiate cup in which 15 schools from the Distrito Nacional participated. It lasted seven days and young participants gathered with the support of their families. All […]
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Noticias Copa SEK 2016 Del 22 al 29 de abril de este año, la decimoquinta entrega de la COPA SEK 2016 contó con nuestro apoyo como colaboradores en el evento. Es una copa intercolegial en la que participaron 15 colegios del Distrito Nacional. Tuvo una duración de 7 días, en los que se reunieron una gran cantidad de jóvenes […]
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Downtown Aeropaq Hoy es Día Naranja!! Hoy es un día en que todo pinta naranja y por eso te traemos descuentos. Entérate aquí de que se trata, este día.